domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

Condensed Matter Physics

Solid materials are an aspect of physics which pervade everyday life. Condensed Matter Physics (CMP) has been at the heart of all the developments in materials which have taken place in the past 100 years and which have transformed our society. A fundamental understanding of the underlying physical properties allows the tailoring of materials with specified properties and functionality. The recently developed capability to design and probe collections of condensed atoms and molecules from the mesoscale (~microns) down to nanoscale (~nm) size scales is set to become one of the key technologies of the 21st century. On these length-scales, the bulk properties of matter give way to altered behaviour due to quantum mechanical interactions. Research in CMP is increasingly critical as industrial components such as transistors for computer memories, and magnetic particles for hard disks, are pushed smaller and faster, where they encounter quantum effects. Basic research in condensed matter physics is the key to future discoveries which can overcome these fundamental quantum limitations.
The current research interests in the group fall into the following areas:

•Nanoscale and Surface Physics

•Cellular and Molecular Biophysics


Nombre: Franklin J. Quintero C.
Asignatura: CRF
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