domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

Condensed Matter Physics

Condensed matter physics is the study of materials in the solid or liquid state, including their structure and mechanical, electrical, magnetic, thermal, optical and chemical properties. In addition to presenting rich and fascinating questions about the physical world, it is an area of physics with many real-world applications in such areas as microelectronics, information storage and communication, chemistry and the development and use of new materials. Students with strong backgrounds in condensed matter physics are often well qualified for research and engineering positions in industry, as well as for academic careers.

Experimental condensed matter physics at Tufts focuses on crystal structure and phase transitions in polymers and biopolymers, interactions of atoms and molecules with metal surfaces, ultrafast nonlinear optics and photonics, and the study of nanometer-scale biophysical systems. On-site facilities are housed in the modern Science and Technology Center, and include X-ray diffractometers, infrared spectrometers, ultrahigh vacuum surface analysis equipment, femtosecond lasers, scanning calorimeters, and atomic force microscopes. Researchers at Tufts also collaborate widely, including using facilities at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Theoretical work at Tufts is concerned with the dynamic behavior of spin systems, including transitions caused both by thermally activated processes and by quantum tunneling.

Nombre: Franklin J. Quintero C.
Asignatura: CRF
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